Source code for gracedb_sdk

# Copyright (C) 2019-2020  Leo P. Singer <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
from requests_gracedb import Session

from .api import API

from ._version import get_versions
__version__ = get_versions()['version']
del get_versions

__all__ = ('Client',)

[docs]class Client(API): """GraceDB client session. Parameters ---------- url : str GraceDB Client URL. cert : str, tuple Client-side X.509 certificate. May be either a single filename if the certificate and private key are concatenated together, or a tuple of the filenames for the certificate and private key. username : str Username for basic auth. password : str Password for basic auth. force_noauth : bool, default=False If true, then do not use any authentication at all. fail_if_noauth : bool, default=False If true, then raise an exception if authentication credentials are not provided. cert_reload : bool, default=False If true, then automatically reload the client certificate before it expires. cert_cert_reload_timeout : int, default=300 Reload the certificate this many seconds before it expires. Notes ----- When a new Client instance is created, the following sources of authentication are tried, in order: 1. If the :obj:`force_noauth` keyword argument is true, then perform no authentication at all. 2. If the :obj:`cert` keyword argument is provided, then use X.509 client certificate authentication. 3. If the :obj:`username` and :obj:`password` keyword arguments are provided, then use basic auth. 4. Look for a default X.509 client certificate in: a. the environment variables :envvar:`X509_USER_CERT` and :envvar:`X509_USER_KEY` b. the environment variable :envvar:`X509_USER_PROXY` c. the file :file:`/tmp/x509up_u{UID}`, where :samp:`{UID}` is your numeric user ID d. the files :file:`~/.globus/usercert.pem` and :file:`~/.globus/userkey.pem` 5. Read the netrc file [1]_ located at :file:`~/.netrc`, or at the path stored in the environment variable :envvar:`NETRC`, and look for a username and password matching the hostname in the URL. 6. If the :obj:`fail_if_noauth` keyword argument is true, and no authentication source was found, then raise a :class:`ValueError`. The following methods are supported for events: * :samp:`` * :samp:`{query}, sort={sort})` * :samp:`{filename}, filecontents={filecontents}, group={group}, pipeline={pipeline}, search={search}, labels={labels}, offline={offline})` * :samp:`{event_id}, filename={filename}, filecontents={filecontents})` * :samp:`[{event_id}].get()` * :samp:`[{event_id}].files.get()` * :samp:`[{event_id}].files[{filename}].get()` * :samp:`[{event_id}].labels.get()` * :samp:`[{event_id}].labels.create({label})` * :samp:`[{event_id}].labels.delete({label})` * :samp:`[{event_id}].logs.get()` * :samp:`[{event_id}].logs.create(comment={comment}, filename={filename}, filecontents={filecontents}, tags={tags})` * :samp:`[{event_id}].logs[{N}].tags.create({tag})` * :samp:`[{event_id}].logs[{N}].tags.delete({tag})` * :samp:`[{event_id}].voevents.get()` * :samp:`[{event_id}].voevents.create(voevent_type={}, internal={internal}, open_alert={open_alert}, hardware_inj={hardware_inj}, skymap_type={skymap_type}, skymap_filename={skymap_filename}, ProbHasNS={ProbHasNS}, ProbHasRemnant={ProbHasRemnant}, BNS={BNS}, NSBH={NSBH}, BBH={BBH}, Terrestrial={Terrestrial}, MassGap={MassGap}, coinc_comment={coinc_comment})` Analogous methods are supported for superevents: * :samp:`client.superevents.get()` * :samp:`{query}, sort={sort})` * :samp:`client.superevents.create(t_start={t_start}, t_0={t_0}, t_end={t_end}, preferred_event={preferred_event}, events={events}, labels={labels})` * :samp:`client.superevents.update({superevent_id}, t_start={t_start}, t_0={t_0}, t_end={t_end}, preferred_event={preferred_event})` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].add({event_id})` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].remove({event_id})` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].is_exposed()` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].expose()` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].unexpose()` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].signoff({'ADV'|'H1'|'L1'|'V1'}, {'OK'|'NO'}, {comment})` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].get()` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].files.get()` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].files[{filename}].get()` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].labels.get()` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].labels.create({label})` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].labels.delete({label})` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].logs.get()` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].logs.create(comment={comment}, filename={filename}, filecontents={filecontents}, tags={tags})` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].logs[{N}].tags.create({tag})` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].logs[{N}].tags.delete({tag})` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].voevents.get()` * :samp:`client.superevents[{superevent_id}].voevents.create(voevent_type={}, internal={internal}, open_alert={open_alert}, hardware_inj={hardware_inj}, skymap_type={skymap_type}, skymap_filename={skymap_filename}, ProbHasNS={ProbHasNS}, ProbHasRemnant={ProbHasRemnant}, BNS={BNS}, NSBH={NSBH}, BBH={BBH}, Terrestrial={Terrestrial}, MassGap={MassGap}, coinc_comment={coinc_comment})` References ---------- .. [1] The .netrc file. """ # noqa: E501 def __init__(self, url='', *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(url, Session(url=url, *args, **kwargs)) def close(self): self.session.close() def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close()